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General Terms
(for use in business transactions with entrepreneurs)

  • 1. Basis of contract
  • The contract between the parties is concluded exclusively on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions. Any conflicting agreements require an individual written agreement. If an ongoing business relationship exists, these conditions also apply to all future contracts.
  • 2. Offers/ Prices/ Contract Conclusion/ Service Description

(1) All prices quoted are subject to change and non-binding. The price quoted on the day of delivery applies, plus delivery and shipping costs if applicable.

(2) Individually prepared offers remain valid for 30 days, other offers are subject to change.

(3) A contract is concluded by timely acceptance of a written offer from laser company or with its written order confirmation, or at the latest with the start of processing the order or by delivery of the goods.

(4) With regard to the illustrations, drawings and descriptions contained in brochures, laser company reserves the right to make commercially acceptable deviations, which do not restrict the use for the contractual purpose, without the customer being able to derive any claims from this. In case of doubt, the contents of these brochures and all descriptions and statements by laser company in connection with this contract do not constitute the assumption of a guarantee or the provision of a warranty. In case of doubt, only  written statements by laser company regarding the assumption of a guarantee are authoritative.

(5) In the case of contracts with a fixed price, laser company has the right to refuse performance if the customer's ability to pay deteriorates significantly after the contract has been concluded and the payment to be made is thereby jeopardized.

  • 3. Delivery times/delayed delivery/impossibility/shipping/bearing of risk

(1) Deliveries are made at the customer’s expense.

(2) Delivery dates/delivery periods are only binding if they have been fixed in writing.

(3) In the event of delays in performance due to intent or gross negligence, laser company is liable in accordance with the statutory provisions. In other cases of delays in performance, laser company's liability for damages in addition to performance is limited to 5% and for damages instead of performance to 10% of the value of the delivery. Further claims by the customer are excluded - even after expiry of a deadline set by laser company for performance. The above limitation does not apply to liability due to injury to life, body or health.

(4) If the service is impossible, the customer is entitled to claim damages in accordance with the statutory provisions. However, the customer's claim for damages in addition to or instead of the service and for reimbursement of wasted expenditure is limited to 10% of the value of that part of the service that cannot be used due to the impossibility. Further claims by the customer due to the impossibility of the service are excluded. This limitation does not apply in cases of intent, gross negligence or due to injury to life, body or health. The customer's right to withdraw from the contract remains unaffected.

(5) Delivery times will be extended appropriately if there are force majeure or other obstacles for which laser company is not responsible. After delivery delays of more than 3 months, the customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract and reclaim any advance payment after granting a one-time, reasonable grace period.

(6) laser company is entitled to make partial deliveries against separate invoicing/down payment.

(7) If the shipment of the goods is delayed at the customer's request for more than 2 weeks after the agreed delivery date or, if no precise delivery date was agreed, after Laser Company has notified them that the goods are ready for shipment, Laser Company may charge storage fees of 1% of the price of the goods for each month, up to a maximum of 10%. The customer is permitted to provide evidence that Laser Company has suffered no damage or significantly less damage. Laser Company is permitted to provide evidence that greater damage has occurred.

(8) If shipment of the goods has been agreed, this shall be at the customer’s risk, including in the event of accidental loss. 

(9) During transport, the goods are insured by laser company up to an amount of EUR 50,000.00. If additional insurance is required, this must be arranged by the customer or the customer must instruct laser company accordingly and bear the additional costs of the insurance.

  • 4. Warranty and Liability

(1) Obvious defects must be reported in writing and in detail no later than 1 week after delivery of the goods/work. The customer is also obliged to report defects to laser company in writing within 2 months of the time at which he discovered such a defect. The defects must be described in as much detail as the customer can. This regulation does not constitute an exclusion period for the customer's rights in relation to defects.

(2) Claims for defects do not exist in the case of only insignificant deviations from the agreed quality or in the case of only insignificant impairment of usability.

(3) If the subject matter of the contract/service has defects that go beyond paragraph 2, laser company is under no circumstances obliged to deliver or produce a new product as part of the subsequent performance. Rather, after two failed attempts at rectification, the customer has the right to reduce the price or, at his discretion, to withdraw from the contract. The customer's right to demand compensation instead of performance in accordance with the statutory provisions and these terms and conditions remains unaffected.

The limitation period for claims and rights due to defects - regardless of the legal basis - is one year. This limitation period of one year also applies to other claims for damages against laser company, regardless of their legal basis, even if the claims are not related to a defect.

(4) laser company is liable in cases of intent or gross negligence in accordance with the statutory provisions. Otherwise, it is only liable under the Product Liability Act for injury to life, body or health, or for the culpable violation of essential contractual obligations, or if it fraudulently concealed the defect (in the case of fraudulent intent, the statutory limitation periods that would apply without the fraudulent intent apply) or if it has provided a guarantee for the quality of the delivery item. The claim for damages for the violation of essential contractual obligations is, however, limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract. Liability for damage to the customer's legal interests caused by the delivery item is, however, completely excluded. The provisions of sentences 3 and 4 of this paragraph do not apply if there is intent or gross negligence or if liability is incurred for injury to life, body or health, or if the seller fraudulently concealed the defect or provided a guarantee for the quality of the delivery item.

(5) The regulation in the above paragraph 4 extends to compensation in addition to performance and compensation instead of performance, regardless of the legal basis, in particular due to defects, the violation of obligations arising from the contractual relationship or from tort. It also applies to the claim for reimbursement of wasted expenditure. Liability for delay is determined in accordance with section 4 paragraph 3, liability for impossibility in accordance with section 4 paragraph 4.

(6) The limitation period for all claims begins with the delivery and, for work, with its acceptance.

  • 5. Terms of Payment

(1) Unsere Rechnungen sind- soweit nicht ein anderes Zahlungsziel vereinbart wurde - 30 Tage ab Rechnungsdatum, ohne Abzug zu bezahlen. Die Vereinbarung von Vorkasse oder einer Anzahlung ist laser company mit Auftragsbestätigung verbindlich möglich. Der Kunde kommt ohne weitere Erklärungen von laser company, 30 Tage nach dem Rechnungsdatum in Verzug, soweit er nicht bezahlt hat. Im Falle des Vorhandenseins von Mängeln steht dem Kunden kein Zurückbehaltungsrecht zu. 

(2) Sofern Forderungen an die TecFactor GmbH abgetreten sind, haben nur Zahlungen auf ein TecFactor-Konto eine schuldbefreiende Wirkung.

(3) Wechsel und Schecks werden als Zahlungsmittel nicht akzeptiert.

(4) Bei Zahlungsverzug ist laser company berechtigt, eine Verzugspauschale in Höhe von 40,00 € in Rechnung zu stellen. Dies geschieht unbeschadet weitergehender Rechte und Schadenersatzansprüche. Sollte die Zahlung auch innerhalb einer gesetzten Nachfrist nicht erfolgen, stehen laser company folgende Rechte zu:

  • Rücktritt vom Vertrag und Rückgabeverlangen eventuell gelieferter, bzw. noch nicht abgenommener Ware und Geltendmachung von Bearbeitungskosten in Höhe von 15 % des Kaufpreises,
  • Vorauszahlungs- oder Sicherheitsleistungsverlangen für noch nicht abgenommene oder noch zu liefernde Ware und/oder,
  • von sämtlichen (weiteren) nicht abgewickelten Verträgen nach fruchtloser Nachfristsetzung zurückzutreten und Schadenersatz wegen Nichterfüllung zu verlangen, sowie
  • ein externes Inkassoinstitut oder eine Anwaltskanzlei zu beauftragen.

Dem Kunden ist in jedem Fall der Nachweis gestattet, dass laser company kein Schaden oder ein wesentlich niedrigerer Schaden entstanden ist. laser company wiederum ist der Nachweis gestattet, dass ein höherer Schaden entstanden ist. Dies geschieht unbeschadet weitergehender Rechte und Schadenersatzansprüche.

(5) Es ist ausschließlich laser company berechtigt, Zahlungsbestimmungen hinsichtlich älterer Verbindlichkeiten des Kunden vorzunehmen. Eventuell anders lautende Bestimmungen des Kunden sind unwirksam.

  • 6. Eigentumsvorbehalt/ Eigentumsübertragung

(1) Bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung sämtlicher aus dem jeweiligen Vertragsverhältnis resultierenden und aller weiteren zum Zeitpunkt des Vertragsabschlusses gegen den Kunden bestehenden Forderungen, behält sich laser company das Eigentum an der Ware vor.

(2) Wird die Ware beim Kunden von dritter Stelle gepfändet, beschlagnahmt oder sonst in Anspruch genommen, so hat der Kunde unverzüglich dem Dritten den Eigentumsvorbehalt bekannt zu geben, dazu hin laser company über die Inanspruchnahme sofort zu unterrichten.

(3) Die unter Vorbehalt gelieferte Ware darf der Kunde im Rahmen ordnungsgemäßen Geschäftsverkehrs unter Eigentumsvorbehalt weiter veräußern. Der Kunde tritt bereits jetzt künftige Forderungen aus der Weiterveräußerung der unter Eigentumsvorbehalt gelieferten Ware im jeweiligen Rechnungswert bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung sämtlicher Forderungen laser company zur Sicherheit an diese ab. laser company nimmt diese Abtretung hiermit an.

(4) Bei Pflichtverletzungen des Kunden, insbesondere bei Zahlungsverzug, ist laser company – nach erfolglosem Ablauf einer dem Käufer gesetzten, angemessenen Frist zur Leistung – zum Rücktritt vom Vertrag und zum Herausverlangen des Liefergegenstandes berechtigt; die gesetzlichen Fälle der Entbehrlichkeit der Frist bleiben unberührt. Der Kunde ist zur Herausgabe verpflichtet. Im Herausgabeverlangen von laser company liegt keine Rücktrittserklärung, es sei denn, dies wird ausdrücklich erklärt.

  • 7. Erfüllungsort/ anwendbares Recht

(1) Erfüllungsort für Zahlungen ist der Sitz der  laser company GmbH.

(2) Es gilt das Recht der BRD.

  • 8. Sonstiges

(1) Ist eine der vorbezeichneten Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen unwirksam, wird die Wirksamkeit der übrigen Geschäftsbedingungen hiervon nicht berührt. Anstelle der unwirksamen Bestimmung gilt diejenige Regelung als vereinbart, die in rechtlicher und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht der unwirksamen Bestimmung am nächsten kommt.

(2) Daten des Kunden, die den Geschäftsverkehr mit diesem betreffen, werden im Sinne des Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes gespeichert.

Stand Januar 2020

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